Hacking Humanity: Hand in hand with machines – Humanized Technology & Data
16. Apr.
Foto: CC0 1.0, Pixabay / Geralt / Ausschnitt bearbeitet
Technology has developed enormously, but often lost the human aspect. The boundaries between man and machine are blurring. The new big trend is called „Humanized Technology & Data“. But what does „humanization“ of technology actually mean? Are we already raising artificial intelligences like Alexa, Siri or Cortana to a human level? Loved assistances that make our everyday life easier?
That’s what we talk about at our next Telefónica BASECAMP event on Monday, April 16th, at 6 PM which is called: Hacking Humanity – hand in hand with machines. Humanized Technology & Data. The registration has just opened. Please complete the registration form on the right hand side if you like to attend.
Our Speakers:
Rachel Sibley, futurist & marketing strategist who specializes in immersive technologies like AR VR
Dan Taylor, Visual artist
Ramzi Rizk, Co- Founder & CTO, EyeEm
Björn Lengers, Co-Founder CyberRäuber – The theatre of virtual reality
We talk about data sharing and the intelligent use of data. But are we losing sight of people? We as humans generate this data with each of our interactions. Only through us can artificial intelligences be fed with data at all and learn from us. Technology will adapt more and more to human characteristics, not the other way round.

We see two developments:
1. Machines can do many things better and relieve of monotonous work, which allows people to focus on more creative activities.
2. We also upgrade and enhance ourselves and improve our mental and physical abilities with the help of technology.
We want to ask:
1. What does human-machine interaction look like?
2. How can we humanize technology through artificial intelligence or VR / AR, for example?
3. We want to find answers how we can use technology wisely to improve our business and social lives, and not be used by technology?
4. How technology both unites and divides us?
5. How can technology integrate into our lives without controlling or eroding our wellbeing, our communities, and our sense of self?
We invite all participants to actively discuss with our guests!
The discussion will be in English.
Further Information:
16. Apr.
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